Welcome to the #PHONESQUAD! ✨ Also, you may be asking, what is the #PHONESQUAD and why was it made? - The #PHONESQUAD was started and made by me, IphonePants, when I started streaming on Twitch, this community was meant for a Family-Friendly, fun, and cool community to be in! The reason why I chose #PHONESQUAD is that it relates to my username, IphonePants, and I had a choice between making my squad called, #IPHONESQUAD or #PHONESQUAD... soo instead of making it #IPHONESQUAD, it would be best for me to be referred as the Owner & Founder of the #PHONESQUAD! ✌🏻 "Remember to stay positive and #StayBlu-ish!" - MrIphonePants 💙 Sending suspicious links, websites, scam links, or self-promoting = Warning, and KICK.