Cult of Sol

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4 years ago
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If you were currently ranked to Benedictus you have the power to grant people the rank, Discipulus. To move past Discipulus to Benedictus you must be recommended by 3+ Benedictus to a Sacerdos.
3 years ago


Sol Invictus shall guide us through the darkness, thy fellow man shall be blinded by the strength of the sun as we march onto thy fellow man's unconquered land. The fellow man shall fear the sun as it has never been conquered. With the power of the sun your blood will boil with strength and feed your body the power to bring down the enemies of Rome. We shall forever shine in unconquered glory with the sun above giving us the power to conquer all who resist the might of Rome!

Through the sun we are given the power.
     Through this power is the light of the sun.
          Through the light we shall conquer all darkness.
               The sun shall never be conquered.
                   Deus Sol Invictus.


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