Welcome to the official FoxyGang group where no one is being left behind and treated unfairly due to their Roblox avatars or who they see themselves as. This group is created and founded by FoxyRoblox or known as Foxy for short ; a Roblox YouTuber with almost 1k subs! If you like Roblox or your mom sub to the channel :D Rules: 1.) Have fun of course 2.) Do not harrass anyone due to whatever they are(this wil get you removed of rank/and from group 3) do not share any scam links! 4) if you want to promote your group or clothing let me know through chat or dis 5) respect higher rank members(no drama) 6) represent this group as a fan group not a toxic gang and it's not a furry group either😐 7) just have fun You can buy official merch from the FoxyGang store!