We worship the creature known as Bingus, we will sacrifice anything for Bingus, we all believe Bingus is far more superior than any being that has ever existed. Each role signifies your status in this community. Believer - Our general brethren, holy supporters. Honoured Believers - cool people Priest - Average Priest, not specified in any category but is still a worthy and known Priest. Clothing Priest - Pretty self explanatory, a Priest who designs clothes for this group. Developer Priest - A Priest who designs/writes scripts for our games in our Holy community. Head Priest - Co-owner/co-founder of this Holy community. Also Head of the other Priests. Cult Leader - Our Holy Leader, founder of this community and Bingology. Head of ALL Priests and loyal subjects/believers. Probably one of the biggest Bingus groups on ROBLOX, make sure to join if you believe! Ave Bingus!