This is the fan club for the game Super Hexagon. Join if you want to support the epicness of the game, Brag about your high scores, or just be a fan. Super Hexagon is a minimal action game by Terry Cavanagh, with music by Chipzel and currently sells for 2.99 on steam. Its an insanely addictive and insanely hard game+ Super fun game, You should really get it, its one of the best games out there in my choice. Ranking system requirements: FAN/WANNA-BE: Be a fan of game or working on beating hexagon. POINT: Beat Hexagon LINE: Beat Hexagoner TRIANGLE: Beat Hexagonest SQUARE: Beat Hyper Hexagon HEXAGON: Beat Hyper Hexagoner HEXAGON: Beat Hyper Hexagonest Boss: Be in the top 50's for global on any level HYPER HEXAGON: Group administrator chosen by me