This is a rare names group! If you don't have a rare name it is ok, just come in! Have a great day! Disclaimer: If you are on the banned role, I suggest you should change your name / display name. I will say that, this is not a finished group yet. This group is completely for fun. Thank you for your patience. Roles- Waiting to be ranked - the owner will rank you in a role Member- You are not ranked yet and the owner needs further information about your name. Normal - Just normal, peaceful Number Name- Has all numbers in name Word or Noun - Your word is something in real life. Lets speak - For example your name is supposed to have a L in it but you changed it to a I Phrase Name- 2 words or a command Location Name - Your name is a location on Earth. Name Sniper - You at least name sniped 3 rare names (Has to be higher than Normal Name) Content Deleted / Reset Names - Your name is content deleted or reset. Mythical Username - Your name has 2 rare things (Has to be higher than Name Sniper