GAMES COMING SOON. Welcome to the group! In this group, you will be able to play many fun games and buy some cool clothing! Make sure to follow my profile to message me any questions, or just to say hi! 😃🌟 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please follow these rules before saying stuff in the group wall. -Be nice to EVERYONE in this group -No advertising stuff in the group wall. This means other games/clothes/groups/yt channels/etc. -Do NOT spam the group wall. -Do NOT scam others. -Do NOT ask or beg for robux -Do NOT copy anything from my group or games such as thumbnails, game ideas, etc. -NO RAIDING THIS GROUP, OR OUR GAMES!! -Treat EVERYONE kindly and fairly. Do NOT break any of these following rules, if any of these rules are broken, it will result in a warning. If you do it another time, it will result to a ban from this group AND the games. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a nice play! ⭐️💫