Motto: Stronger as one, bigger in numbers. -- Welcome to the Damien Military. Founded in late 2013, we are a futuristic sword fighting and gun fighting group. All high rank positions are based off training and favoritism. Anyone can earn a high rank position if trusted, favoritism is the key component to a good high rank, but one wrong move will result in a immediate dishonorable discharge depending on the circumstances of the situation. -- Founder: Ennismore06 Here is a list of manuals bellow to get you started on your Damien Military career. *High Rank Manual. (A guide becoming and staying a high rank.) *Divisional Manual. (A guide to joining a division.) *Owner Manual. (A guide to what Culf has to offer as leader.) *DM Manual. (A guide to Damien Military rules and regulations.) Unfiorms: LR: HR *DM Manual: *Divisional Manual: *High Rank Manual: