HEY RECRUITS! WELCOME TO THE CREW! THIS IS WHERE ALL THE ASSASSINS COME TOGETHER! HERE ARE SOME THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW _________________________________________________________________________________ . No begging . Never spare a cat or fox . Kill rats when ONLY necessary (like thieves n stuff) . Most important, NEVER steal my kills _________________________________________________________________________________ Here are some heroes in the crew! 🧀We have Looney_binz! A bloodthirsty skittle who makes a powerful foe. Better not mess with this skittle 🧀Then, there is Donald Rat! The president of all rats. He is a tough rat, with a whole government on his side 🧀Also we have hot bacon guts! The vice president of all the rats! He is Donald's most trusted ally 🧀Finally there is z71226! The greatest assassin who ever lived! __________________________________________________________________________________ Good luck out there! Your gonna NEED it!