Bee Swarm Raiders!

Roblox Group

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4 years ago
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I know this group has been pretty inactive, but we will be doing raids again in the foreseeable future, just in a different group. Join this for more information (this will be the new raid group):
3 years ago


The Royals welcome you to BSR!

I: Here we worship the Queen and King blindly. They are our gods.

II: We are a military/raid group. We dress up as hot bees and raid games every Saturday. The outfits are in the store, so join the cause.

III: We also have some lore behind us, which makes us comparable to a myth. “The Legacy Corridors” have some knowledge and lore on our hive and the ones we border.

IV: We are inspired greatly by Flamingo’s community. Our end goal is to get our community featured in one of his or Kaden’s videos.

V: The Queen and King are our gods, but The Queen Guild and The King Guild often argue over who is better. “The Bee Council” is a neutral organization that settles Guild disputes. The guilds unite during raids, because we have a common enemy: People who steal our honey!

This group was founded on 11-9-20


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Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?New MembersJul '23Jan '24Jul '24Jan '2520242025-2-10-31w1m3mAll

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