Please note the Image for the group is not mine lol Other Groups: ~•Cloudy Roses•~ TheUnderworld+ Founded: 11-22-20 **The Elizabeth rank is only one person because it is the owner rank** The others rank is ranks that aren't listed like nightmare. To get a rank you must: Ask in the group wall PLEASE: Put your username in your request along the “ROLE REQUEST” in front. Example: “ROLE REQUEST: Could I please be ___ my user is ___” This is so it is easier for me to rank everyone. I am at max roles so please dont ask for me to add a role *Note* When you ask for the others rank, you can ask for the character or the rank —————————————————————— Any kind of scam in the group will be deleted and you will be moved to muted. Any kind of harassment, or bullying to others in the wall will result in you losing your rank. If you continue you will be moved to muted. (If you don't have a rank the first thing doesn't apply) If you wish to get your rank back just wait like 2 days