⚠️ NOT A FURRY GROUP. THIS IS A FAN GROUP. Welcome to Ridge Cattery! Ridge Cattery is a dedicated communal group and Ridgefeather's official group. As soon as you joined the group, you will be ranked 'Members'. There is also stuff in the group store where you can check out some shirts that are made. Archived groups have been moved to AZ_A10. Standard Rules: 1- Be respectful to each other. 2- Do not ask for roles. 3- No copypastas in the group wall. 4- No scams and suspicious links attach. 5- Do not ask for a refund. Any purchases are made final. 6- Strictly no assets stealing. We also accept ideas :D Feel free to tell us some in the communication server or group wall. If you purchased our shirt/pants, you will be ranked 'Epic Members'. If you are not ranked, please notify us. We are solo devs, not hiring. Feel free to suggest clothings. ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ Concordia GOV© Concordia State Police©