Hello, this is Buttery Sky army for minecraft on roblox. If you are a huge Skythekidrs fan than answer these question if you want to become official SqiudKillers. Question: what are Deadlox,Dawnables, TrueMu, KermitplaysMc, SSundaee, Bajancanadian, Gizzy14Gazza, Cavemanfilms, Antvenom, Captainsparklez,5m, HuskyMudkipz, ASFJerome, Sethbling, Kuledude3, Skitscape, Setosorcerer,Aviatorgaming,Hwnt,bashur, xrpmx13 goldsolace and burtgasms real name. hint: Research. Message me so I could make u a SqiudKiller. But~ter :D Oh yea, you also have to tell me Sky's name and know when he started Youtube. Last Question is that how many youtube videos does he have from when he started to when u started to join this group! If you pass the test then you can find other youtubers that are Sky's friends to make it more challenging! the open pace will be after this sentence.