⇢✯ Welcome to Las Tierras Mágicas this is a game of Witchcraft.✯ ⇠ ☬ In La Aquelarre you have the abillity to become a Witch. ☬ ❂ To become a Witch you must select your character, grab the Book of darkness and then try to cast a spell. ❂ 🔱Rules🔱: ① In my game I do not accept trollers nor do I accept exploiters. ② Do not be a bully and be kind to those around you. ③ If somebody is found bothering you or other people please refrain from fighting and please leave the game then join a different server. ⑷ Hackers will be banned no acceptions. ⑤ No spamming spells. ⑹ No talk about political things nor talk about violence . ⑺ Do not beg for rank up’s. ⑻ Do not be sensitive. ⑼Finally have fun! This game is still under development so please report bugs and glitches so we can fix them! Communication Server: xwJz4qKFWg