Welcome to Avalanche Expeditions! About us ⓘ We are a Roblox Mountaineering Team. We will guide you to the summit on multiple Roblox Mountains such as Mount Everest and Mount Makalu. Our Climber and Guide uniforms are in the group store. Join sure to join our communications server in to be notified about our Expeditions. Links ⓘ {RA} Robloxian Adventures: https://www.roblox.com/groups/4963098/RA-Robloxian-Adventures#!/about Expedition Information Center: https://www.roblox.com/groups/3994745/Expedition-Information-Center#!/about Communications: crTdZxvKp5 Motto: "Getting you to the summit as quickly and efficiently as possible" Founded by GarytheLlama1 and MEEP4713