"We're Recruiting Members! Join our group and be apart of our Community!" Hi there! Welcome to INCOGNITO Clothes. Click "STORE" for more 5R$ ClotheS Here are the tier of the roles: 🔳Donator - member buying the 80R$ DONATION Shirt 🔳INCG Premium Donator - member buying the 300R$ DONATION Shirt 🔳Official Member - member buying the Official INCG Shirt 🔳Admin - 2nd highest rank and can moderate the group and upload shirts 🔳Friends - Friends in roblox 🔳IRL - members that i interacted in real life 🔳PHANTOM - members who bought the Exclusive INCG SWAT Outfit (Both Items Required) 🔳Rich Member - members that owned themself an expensive item from ROBLOX 🛑 🛑Disclaimer🛑 🛑: I DON'T GIVEAWAY ROBUX OR SELL IT AWAY Press STORE then CLICK see all. type DONATION for donating. thanks! 1/02/21