🌊 Founded on Jan 07, 2021 🌊 OceanClan is a group of cats stranded in the middle of nowhere on a huge island. Their strong, and swift, and they eat mostly fish. OceanClan ranges in the Lake Territories, very far away from the normal Clans home, beyond The Tribe Of Rushing Water. OceanClan has their own Moonpool, and connect and share dreams with StarClan there. 🌊 Welcome to the group! 🌊 Rules below ⬇ 🌊 Don't spam the chat. Instant ban. 🌊 Please respect opinions, ships, etc. 🌊 Don't be rude to others. 🌊 Don't harrass an higher rank then you, they can get you in trouble. 🌊 Don't bring up dark topics. 🌊 Do not vent here, this is not a place for that. 🌊 Please don't request for clothing! We appreciate ideas, but it gets a bit stressful at times! 🌊 Lastly, have fun here! 🌊 You can get any role you want, as long as it has “🐾” at the end of it!