♦════════♦ [ FROZEN LEGION ] ♦════════♦ "Courage 'til the last breath." Bound by brotherhood, Strengthened by courage. A union to last an eternity. People will bind in order to create an unstoppable nation. Blades will clash, blood will shed, and empires shall fall. The stronger will prevail and the weaker shall be given no remorse. Do not testify the empire. ♦═══════════♦ [ ABOUT US ] ♦═══════════♦ The ultimate NA experience. (WE FUND OUR MEMBERS!) Our games will be completed by the 29th. ♦═══════════♦ [ LINKS ] ♦═══════════♦ FIELD MANUAL https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=210966193