ALL APPLICANTS MUST REQUEST TO BE PLACED IN RECRUIT RANK READ: The Arizona Rangers are a law enforcement and peacekeeping organization that operate in the game Westbound, set in Tumbleweed County, Arizona. The primary objective of the Rangers is to patrol the mining camps, mountains and prairies of Tumbleweed Co. and work with allied groups in defending the towns and railways by tracking and neutralizing outlaws. The Rangers also assist new players. Rules: 1: Toxic, inappropriate, and discriminatory chat or gameplay is not tolerated. 2: No hacking or use of bots. 3: Do not repeatedly kill non-hostile players. 4: The uniform should be worn while on duty, including patrols, war, and recruiting. 5: Officer ranks have responsibilities such as leading patrols, hosting events, recruiting and training. 6: Respect your fellow Rangers regardless of rank Base Uniform: US Cavalry or Oil Man hat, Brown Button down shirt, dark colored pants, accessories optional.