Only the ones who have rare or very rare hats or gear may be accepted to higher ranks. Me, or one of the admins have to see if you have one before you can enter. Rare members: Overall members of Rare. Rare hat owners: Owners of hats that haven't been sold/earned for 6+ months OR have only 300 in existance. Very rare hat owners: Owners of hats that haven't been sold/earned for 1+ year OR only have 125 in existance. Contest hat owners: Owners of hats that were earned in a contest. This does not include entry prizes. Mega rare hat owners: Owners of hats that haven't been sold for 2+ years OR only have 50 in existance. Ultra rare hat owners: Owners of hats that haven't been sold for 3+ years OR have only 10 in existance. Holiday hat owners: Owners of hats that were obtained on a holiday event.