Welcome to Countryballs United, previously named Countryball fan group!!. This is a safe space for members of the Countryball/History fandom and a place to connect. By the way, welcome to Countryballs United! You're free to post on the wall. Rules for Devs and Designers: No inappropriate content, this might get the group locked. Not too many free models. Do not create scripts that may cause harm to the group's games. Follow Roblox's ToS. Do not upload inappropriate or non-countryball clothing. Rules for everyone: Don't spam Don't beg for bux Don't be mean Always check the Wall for essential announcements No discussions about real-world politics If these rules aren't followed, we will proudly kick you out to the "Removed" role or even worse, be exiled. Upcoming Projects and Updates: - Scavenger - Countryballs DisUnited (RP) - Find the Countryballs v0.97 Official Group Color: Yellow Sea Old Name: Countryball fan group!!! Changed Name on Jan 08, 2022