
Roblox Group

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4 years ago
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click "read more" below to see our story.

Livestreaming on YT HerPrayer, YourOwnZooFan

WE ARE THE RICHEST ADOPT ME GROUP IN THE WORLD. We accomplish this through friendship, trust, HARD WORK, and cooperation. Sometimes we trust too much. For example, we let friends and mods borrow pets. We have lost Mega Frost Dragons, Neon Giraffes Shadows candy cannons, neon crows, rare Legendaries, Megas. One trusted mod even went into our accounts and took about 500 items and pets, including 200,000 robux. Yes, we reported it and pretty much nothing happened.

If you steal & scam one player, that can destroy them. But if you do it to a trusted group of over 100 people, you recover quickly. We like to help people get the Dream Pets they lost. Or, just help them get it so they can see what having a Dream Pet feels like. Make sure U read everything we write. THIS IS REAL. We wouldn't have about 1,000 Members in our Roblox group if it wasn't. 

Look us up: YourOwnZoo HerPrayer YourOwnZooFan. Join us!


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