Welcome to Southern Boutique! I hope you enjoy shopping here! What to expect: -Original Clothing - Country Quotes - Southern Values ~{Ranks}~ -Pending(waiting to get in) -Drinks un sweet tea(muted) -Country Gal / Man(0 items) -Hunter(1-3 items) -Truck driver(4-6 items) -Muddin Fools(7-9 items) -Shug(10-12 items) -Mullet Army(13-15 items) -Mullet Army Commander(16+items) -Mullet Army Legend(Most buy a donation item) -Mullet Army Emperor(16+ items and a donation item) *Excepting role suggestions* {To be ranked comment on the wall} <inventory must be open> ♡Founded-2/11/21 « ⋅ʚ♡Founder: FALLING_MYSTERIOUSLY♡ɞ⋅ »