Winter Adventures Guide School [WAGS]

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4 years ago
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Training has ended. Join our dizzy to attend another! DZwuuukNZZ
1 year ago


WAGS is a department of Winter Adventures dedicated to teaching people the fundamentals as well as the more advanced aspects of climbing, especially when it comes to leading or assisting in expeditions.

Initially, you will be able to attend the first two trainings which will bring you up to the ranks of Junior Guide and Experienced Guide, however neither of these will provide any benefits just yet. You must prove your climbing ability by achieving 5 summits before you will be able to attend the final training and become a Senior Guide. This will give you the rank and title of the same name in the WA group, as well as access to the tent which contains the Air Refill tool - perfect for keeping expeditions safe at high altitudes!

Senior Guides who think they've got what it takes to go a step further can attempt to become a fully-qualified pilot through training courses hosted by our pilot instructors!

Join our communication server below to be able to get into trainings!


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