I have brought in a new board of staff. Please give them a warm welcome, I hope they help our group rise higher than ever before. We are 'Remove Price Floors Now', a rebellion against this unfair update! Join if you want to help our cause get known, so we can stop the update! We will rise against the price floor. Our voices will be heard. #StopPriceFloors2015 [GOAL] To get the price floors removed. [NEWS] We have reached 1700 members! [GROUP GUIDE] http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=132929001 To be allies with this group, you must be another ROBLOX protest group, and you must have 20 or more members in your group. [CURRENT PRICE FLOORS] Shirts & Pants: 10 Robux/100 Tickets T-Shirts: 2 Robux/20 Tickets [BANNED LIST] Nobody, the banned list has been refreshed. We want NO price floors! We want it to be the old way of pricing things how YOU wanted it! #StopPriceFloors2015