☬:~~~~[(The New Galactic Jedi Order)]~~~~:(TNGJO) ═─═─═─═─═─═─Introduction═─═─═─═─═─═─ ▌Thank you all for everything. Leading this group has changed me in ways I could never have gotten otherwise. Retirement is what is needed of me, and I will most likely be leaving this game. I won't forget all the good and even bad times I've had here. Remember what you have learned here, pass it on and always remember, the force will be with you, always. ═─═─═─═─═─═─Information═─═─═─═─═─═─ ▌NEWS: Retired. ▌RULE BOOK: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=155961168 ▌RANK GUIDE: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=167857889 ▌Originally: RJR, Created on 9/29/13, shutdown on 8/15/17. ▌OATH: You choose your path, no one can force you. You can say what you want, no one can restrict you. You choose your oath, and this is ours. We choose to be Jedi, as others have before us.