
Roblox Group

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4 years ago
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2 years ago
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1 week ago


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HELLO! Sorry I have not been active for a long time this is due to that I have just started highschool but I promise that these few coming weeks I will advertise and get more members. Thanks for ### of you for sticking around. Talk soon
3 years ago


♠️Slogan: Fuel The Darkness Within♠️ 

❌Dont spam to be ranked up❌

 ✅Check out some of our games that we will add to the group and also buy our coming soon clothing items✅ 

⭐Also very soon we will be starting a YT. Called The_Darkside so it would be great if you were to subscribe⭐

Dark means you are a member of this group if you want to have a chance to be ranked up follow my roblox account 

👹Demon👹 means you are a follower and you join me in games 

🎮Darkside game squad🎮 means you have the word darkside or DS in your username and we raid games. EG. DS_(username) or Darkside_(username)

☠God friends☠ means you are a legendary friend of the owner 

👿Overlord👿 means you own and run the group


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