What is The Roundhouse? Its where the railroads are based from, since the age of steam, trains have started and ended their lives in roundhouses all over the Planet. Although rare in the modern era, they are an integral part of the railroads to this day. The Roundhouse is where the trains get built. Its where the railroads originate from. They tell stories of vast ribbons of steel. We invite you to Join the Roundhouse. A hub of many Ro-Scale games focused on telling those stories, from The Vast Canadian Pacific, Or the Woodsborough and Keystone in Pennsylvania. Come join today and be a part of the Great Railroad Game! (literally lol) From the Golden shores of California to the Heart of New York, have a lovely time playing our games, and most important of all, HAPPY RAILROADING FOLKS!!! Join Our Comms Server, where you can suggest trains, areas, industries, and a whole lot more.