Welcome to the Supreme Doge Army! [NOTE 1] I want to welcome all new members. Im sorry I turned this group into a caffee and wiped the army away. A community server will be open soon to get the lates updates on trainings and such. [NOTE 2] All ranks require a certain amount of points to get in order to rank up. All ranks are optainable EXPECT: [BRIG]+. All info on ranks are in the community server (open soon) [NOTE 3] You don't get Admin Commands till you reach MR. If you abuse these commands you will be banned without hesitation. [NOTE 4] Rank. If you leave the group at anytime in point you will not recieve your original rank back. [NOTE 5] Do not give people free points [CPT]+ it will result both you and the person you gave points to banned. Any violation of rules like in note 3 and 5 will result a ban in the group.