[TC] The Commandos

Roblox Group

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4 years ago
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2 years ago
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Glory to TC!!!
1 year ago


[TC] The Commandos is an AoS raiding group in a RP game named Military Simulator. As TC being family and top priority for this glorious bulwark that we are in, it noted that if any groups are messing up with our members, war and chaos will be ensued to protect the proletarians that lie inside our family. We know what needs to be done to keep this group alive, healthy, and most importantly, fun. Being an active and fun group is one of the most important keys to make the group decent and that's exactly why you should join this raiding group. We can grow to a number that others can only imagine of having. I don't think of any of you as members, I think of all as my family. Love and respect is what I have for you all. I got a lot of plans for TC, plans to revitalize this family, and you will see the benefits if you join this group. 

(War Funds needed..)


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