This group is led by the trio known as the bully busters. Since their video went viral on their YouTube channel Jack pop, they are inviting friends, enemies, and even people they have never met before to fight for the cause. What is our goal? To eradicate bullying. How will we accomplish it? By threatening bullies while creating horrible 90s themed rap songs and making stupid posts on the internet. Please do not discriminate, or use this group for advertising. If you do, you will be exiled. Rank information: the first Wednesday of each month anyone who has shown a lot of activity and leadership will be ranked up. The Rank "Safety Patrol" is given to anyone who is fairly active and wishes to help plan and manage group raids. Members have to be part of the group for about a week to determine if active or not. Please post on group wall if interested in this role. NOTE: We have been given permission by Jack T. to make this group. We are as official as it gets. created Feb. 26 2021