"What's happening in TME?" I highly recommend you read both of these: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=166311585 https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=167019012 We're now on a Discord server. Let me know on Steam if you'd like to be apart of it. Information regarding my Steam can be found on my profile. I'm not the leader of this group anymore (the Discord), this is just where a very small minority of the members currently are. The ranks have been changed to suit the clan as it is shutdown. If you're an ex-member and you'd like to be apart of the memorial ranks you should join TME and either post on the wall or PM me what phase you were from (although I'll probably remember, trust me). Rest in pieces Korbloxia: 8/?/12 - 10/18/14 (no pun intended, the members are in pieces scattered about nowadays).