Welcome! Information: - Founded - 3/4/21 - Join the group and like and favorite the game to be notified when we host / update - Request to be ranked in the group wall ──────── ୨୧ ִ° ⋆ ──────── - Customer - 𝒩𝐸𝒲 𝒮𝐻𝒪𝒫𝒫𝐸𝑅 - Valued Customer - 𝟣+ 𝒫𝒰𝑅𝒞𝐻𝒜𝒮𝐸𝒮 - Fashion Influencer - 3+ 𝒫𝒰𝑅𝒞𝐻𝒜𝒮𝐸𝒮 - Head Designer - 5+ 𝒫𝒰𝑅𝒞𝐻𝒜𝒮𝐸𝒮 ──────── 。゚° ⊹ ──────── - Trainee Model - 𝐵𝐸𝒢𝐼𝒩𝒩𝐸𝑅 𝑀𝒪𝒟𝐸𝐿 - Catwalk Model - 𝒱𝒜𝐿𝒰𝐸𝒟 𝑀𝒪𝒟𝐸𝐿 - Super Model - 𝐸𝒳𝒫𝐸𝑅𝐼𝐸𝒩𝒞𝐸𝒟 𝑀𝒪𝒟𝐸𝐿 - Uber Model - 𝒜𝒟𝒱𝒜𝒩𝒞𝐸𝒟 𝑀𝒪𝒟𝐸𝐿 ──────── ˚。°. ──────── - Fashion Mogul - 𝒜𝒞𝒯𝐼𝒱𝐸 𝑀𝐸𝑀𝐵𝐸𝑅𝒮 - Runway Management - 𝒥𝒰𝒟𝒢𝐸𝒮 / 𝒟𝐼𝑅𝐸𝒞𝒯𝒪𝑅𝒮 - Executive Management - 𝒢𝑅𝒪𝒰𝒫 𝑀𝒜𝒩𝒜𝒢𝐸𝑅𝒮 ──────── ୨୧ ִ° ⋆ ──────── - CEO - SabDelRey - Founder - glamourfelt Thank you for joining!