📢 We are a Pokemon *Cough* Bloxymon Fanclub! 📢 💰 You can collect endless of Bloxymonshirts with your favorit Bloxymon in our Store, and flex to others! 💰 The whole first generation of Bloxymons includet Mega and Giga forms are aviable in our store 4 ever! All other generations are only aviable for short times cuse we sell them as Daily and Weekly Limiteds! The Bloxymons of each limited generation will be choosen randomly to appear! After a generation is finished, the next will start! There are also Rainbow Limiteds which are special Bloxymon (Like special forms or Artworks) which will be released at Special Events or reached goals of our group members! So make sure to join us! :D 📈 Also your Rank in this group incresed the more and better shirts you own! 📈 🎉 We also have an place where you can meet your friends to show them your Bloxymon shirts! 🎉 ✌ We hope you enjoy your time here! Have fun! :) ✌