HA || Hawaiian Airlines Roblox

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Hawaiian Airlines will be offering our first service from Hawai'i out of Hilo soon, please check the events page on our Roblox or itinerary on the communications server for more information! Mahalo nui loa!
2 months ago


Aloha! 🌺 

     Hawaiian Airlines is the flag carrier of the state of Hawaii, serving with our two main hubs being in Kahului on the island of Maui, and Honolulu on the island of Oahu.

      Hawaiian Airlines Roblox is not just an airline, it is an experience to remember, and a world class experience you cannot find on any other roblox airline. 

Hawaiian Airlines Roblox is known for our tropical destinations we serve, and the Hawaiian experience to make you feel in hawaii as soon as you step onboard. 

We invite you to fly onboard one of our Hawaiian Airlines aircraft sometime in the near future to experience our world class experience & Ohana, and we invite you step onboard and see our team provide you with the reasoning to how "Hawaii flies with Us." 

Hawaiian Airlines is NOT related to the real airline. "Hawaii flies with Us" ✈️

On behalf of Hawaiian Airlines, be sure to join our fizzy to keep updated with us, development, and our itinerary. 

Mahalo! 🤙🏝️


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