You might ask yourself, "am I cool?" Well, I hate to break it to you, but no you aren't, well not yet at least. Wanna know how to become cool? JOIN MY AWESOME GROUP!! (only for the coolest of the coolest) -Role Break Down - (read if you want a special role) 💡 | Owner 🔧 | Admin 🔨 | Developer . . . 🪪 | Awesome People - Friends . . . 💰 | Cooler Than The Coolest - purchased 1,000 robux donation shirt (thank you so much!) 💳 | Coolest People - purchased 50+ clothes 💵 | Cooler People - purchased 25+ clothes 🪙 | Cool People - purchased 5+ clothes 🏷️ | Member - joined the group 🦽 | Guest - please join (Please keep inventory on if you request a role in group wall.) All sales and donations are highly appreciated! Coming out soon: More funny shirts Possibly a new game