--- Join to my group so you can find out when a new UGC has been published or if you want to give me an idea of a GooTraxian outfit that you want me to make: https://www.roblox.com/pt/groups/35140503/KP-Outfits#!/about Lang's Ears: https://www.roblox.com/pt/catalog/139397946302157/Langs-Ears Lang's Face: https://www.roblox.com/pt/catalog/110558368883024/Langs-Face Lang's Tail: https://www.roblox.com/pt/catalog/105332046802899/Langs-Tail ---------- ⚠ - I GIVE FULL CREDIT TO KAIJU PARADISE FOR THE SKINS IDEIA, because i'm making UGCs of the GooTraxians who were (or still are) quite iconic in the game. ---------- Tags KaijuParadise KP LangKP LangKaijuParadise Furry FurryKaiju FurryKP FurryKaijuParadise Hair Face Fluff Fluffy FaceFluff FaceFluffy HairFluff HairFluffy FurryOutfit FurryFluff FaceFluffy FurryHair KPOutfit KaijuParadiseOutfit KPHair KPFace KPFluff KPFluffy KaijuParadiseHair KaijuParadiseFace KaijuParadiseFluff KaijuParadiseFluffy GooTraxian Goo
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