🦋 This hairstyle is part of the «Revelation» collection 🦋 «A slight carelessness on the hair will be a great addition to your look» 🎀 ❕❗️This hairstyle model fits on different heads ❗️❕ [💎] For Narrow Head - https://www.roblox.com/catalog/101396320333826 Tags: hair, hairstyle, ponytail, pigtail, braid, braids, bob, straight wavy, messy, blonde, ash blonde, ash brown, white, light blue, light pink, brown, chocolate, dark brown, black, raven wing, dark blue, red, orange, dark orange, ginger, hidden by heaven, vicky's secret, requiem secret, vicky's wardrobe, revelation, butterfly, butterflies, flower, flowers, rose, roses, snake, snakes, narrow head, regular head, woman head
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