In the murky depths of the North Sea, there lived a rather peculiar tuna named Mr. Tuna. Unlike the other fish, he was born with a full set of human teeth—crooked, uneven, and as British as could be. His fellow sea creatures often teased him, but Mr. Tuna wore his odd smile proudly. One day, a top hat floated down from a sinking ship, and he snatched it up, placing it elegantly atop his head. From that moment, Mr. Tuna vowed to live as a true gentleman of the sea, despite his fishy nature. He swam to every corner of the ocean, offering refined advice on etiquette, sipping seawater from imaginary teacups, and challenging sharks to polite duels. His notoriety grew, and soon he became a legend, known not for his sharp teeth, but for his sharp wit. Even on dry land, whispers of Mr. Tuna's toothy grin spread far and wide, enchanting sailors and scholars alike. And thus, the legend of Mr. Tuna was born. Credits to SirBoxe, the best guy with the worst microphone.
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