Other Colours: https://www.roblox.com/catalog?Keyword=Servo&Category=1&CreatorName=Nomino%20Heavy%20Industries&CreatorType=Group&salesTypeFilter=1 The following is a recorded transcript between 2 HMC engineers, "E1" and "E2". The transcript begins as E1 walks into the room that E2 is in. -- [E1: Hey Devaia! What are you-] [E2: The world shall burn.] [E1: Devaia? Are you alright?] [E2: IT IS MY GIFT TO THE WORLD THAT HAS WRONGED ME FOR SO LONG.] [E1: ...are you alright?] [E2: ...I just want someone to be my friend.] [E1: Do you want me to call someone?] -- At this point in the transcript, E2 begins to break down uncontrollably as company security escorts her to the local therapist. Her creation, however, did not go to waste. NHI reserves the rights to sell this item. However, NHI denies any and all involvement in the process of the modification of our CHR-AV/03 Servo Headcase series. Please do not do this at home.
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