This Sword was once owned by a powerful lord named "Lord Enbotus he held this sword during the battle of purity and corruption.. Lord Enbotus was so powerful infact that the only way they could stop its corruption was teaming up together to send him flying through the Galactic Portal Crushing his bones and life esscence but his relics Didnt get crushed no.. it traveled through dimensions after dimensions till one day the sword entered the Metaverse of Robloxia the impact of its crash altered the fabric of reality within Robloxia, the sword's presence also attracted evil forces within Robloxia. evil entities and corrupted avatars sought to claim the relic for themselves, hoping to unleash chaos and domination upon the realm of robloxia til one day, a lone player stumbled upon the sword buried beneath the rubble of a forgotten realm. the player claimed the sword as their own, unaware of the immense power it possessed. With the relic it now safely tucked away in their inventory.
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