Blitzer Sturm, Or just Blitzer, Is a Latexian wolf who was once a volunteer for the Alliance Anthropomorphic Animal Defense Military's prototype warping machine, And saved Kitsumir Furvanov from Earth after the "946" containment facility was bombarded, Later on Blitzer joined the ALFA-H131 experiment along with his brother Subzero Sturm, Then they got sent into Alpune Gunner Squad sub-division, Where he met other Latexians there such as Kattern, Kurz, and etc., Blitzer is capable of reaching the speed up to around Mach 4, Although he prefers to stay at low speed as it is more comfortable, Has an extreme addiction to musics and like to vibe with other Latexians, Along with his brother - They also know the other certain duo in some underground facility. ⚠ THIS IS A PRIVATE OC! WHICH MEANS NO ONE OTHER THAN MYSELF IS ALLOWED TO USE THIS, WILL NOT BE ON SALE! ⚠ THIS IS AN ENTIRE NEW CHARACTER WITH NEW TEXTURES AND COLOUR DIFFERENCES, THIS IS NOT THAT ONE CERTAIN GREY HEADPHONE WOLF!
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