Every single word that I say up here I'm reading from a script I didn't write any of these words I don't even know if I believe in them I mean I believe in God I love God so much but honestly it's just how certain everyone is around here I mean tickets start at what 170 bucks so that these people can tell you how to get to heaven How do they know How does anybody know When the bible was written life expectancy was 30 years old I mean I'm not so sure you're supposed to take it literally It also says that it's a sin to eat shrimp What if you're or if you're you're going to I mean And if you have before marriage that's that's not immoral that's human What's immoral is the guy who shoved his in my face Here's the truth Anyone who tells you they know the answers is lying and I know I'm supposed to be this hero-idol-symbol-whatever but I don't know what the hell I'm doing I'm just as scared and confused as the rest of you I'm done pretending and I'm done taking anymore Thank you
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