For more Dock-related merchandise, join our group and check the store page! This Dock is Holding an April in its Melt! Classic, love it. What did I just type? You know, most people probably don't read UGC descriptions: so I'll lay somethin out here. I got no real clue what I'm doin. But I'm pushin forward. This Dock is a manifestation of my understanding of the world thus far, material or not. The Dock knows what you did. It knows what we all did. Back in '99. It makes me understand. It makes me crave peace - but who knows if it itself is sovereign. I doubt it. Look at the beady eyes on it. Clueless-looking, right? No. It knows. It stares into your soul. It is not of malice, but it is not benign. It knows what you did, and it can comprehend the horror. It simply closes its soul off to those not ready to peer into themselves. For within the Dock, a bit of ourselves shine through. It is not evil. But it does not approve. It is not good. But it does not hate. It Knows. The Dock. Knows.
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