Kattern Katze, Or Kattern, Or just Kat, Is just a regular Latexian cat out there who at first didn't joined the Alliance Anthropomorphic Animal Defense Military, But one day he found a white helmet on the ground, It's an anomalous military helmet capable of protecting against even 50. Cal Armor-piercing or certain railguns, The AAADM however saw the potential of him and his helmet, They offered him to join the Alpune Gunner Squad, AAADM's Sub-division, Kattern is extremely playful, Even while in the heat of the battle can turn it into a nice playground, Keeping the team motivated, Rumors said he also know one certain orange cat with a bucket somewhere, Probably the silliest in the entire KIT-447 planet! ⚠ THIS IS A PRIVATE OC! WHICH MEANS NO ONE OTHER THAN MYSELF IS ALLOWED TO USE THIS, WILL NOT BE ON SALE! ⚠ THIS IS AN ENTIRE NEW CHARACTER WITH NEW TEXTURES AND COLOUR DIFFERENCES, THIS IS NOT THAT ONE CERTAIN ORANGE BUCKET CAT!
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