"This plush headpiece is inspired by a beloved childhood toy, featuring a design with different colors on each side. It evokes a sense of being abandoned and cursed, combining the cuteness of a teddy bear with a sinister atmosphere. Perfect for expressing your unique style at horror-themed events or costumes. Tags: CursedBear, PlushHeadpiece, HorrorAccessory, TeddyBearInspired, UniqueStyle, DarkVibes, CostumeIdeas, SpookyFashion, HalloweenLook, HauntedPlush, ChildhoodNostalgia, CreepyGear, DarkFashion, NightmareFuel, HorrorEssentials" Find more items and personalized outfits by visiting the experience space: https://www.roblox.com/games/81275660677935/ALTAVA-Fashion-Snap-Character-Fantasy-City Want exclusive access to more item details? Join our group today! https://www.roblox.com/groups/34633622/ALTAVA-COM#!/about
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