Orbicular Worlds Update! - Spherical Planets! - New Soundtrack by Original_MiniSpider and X3ll3n ! - New Tanks and Ships! Full changelog: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/3035691 Discover the expanse of the galaxy with over 200 ships across a huge procedurally generated solar system with fully explorable planets. Inspired by Space Affliction. Customize, and command colossal colonies or spawling space stations with a modular building system. Coordinate with friends to man massive multicrew spaceships featuring fully detailed interiors ranging from humble shuttles to gargantuan space battle ships and aircraft carriers. Master physics-based space combat in space fighter jet dogfights or massive warship battles. Graphics level 9-10 recommended. Private server owners can use commands ('@commands' to list) and admin ships in their private servers but do not earn any exp. This game was originally published in 2017 and has no affiliation with any product with a similar name.
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