⭐ NEW CODE at 200K Likes ⭐ ⚡ Dive into "Anime Realms", an exciting all anime tower defense adventure game.⚡ A catastrophic event has occurred that summoned countless threats in multiple worlds... but it also brought all the heroes together, and they need your help! 😱 Can you summon the strongest heroes and save these worlds together? 👊 ✨Collect powerful, unique characters to help you fight! ⚔️Lead a team of anime units to defend against waves of enemies, tower defense style! 💪Level up your units to unlock amazing abilities and build your own unique squad! ❤️ Join our lively community to stay updated with exclusive codes, exciting news, and sneak peeks. ❤️ ⭐ Join the group and like the game for an extra 500 starting GEMS!⭐ Don't forget to leave a 👍 and ⭐.
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