🔑 Welcome to Dwelling of Locks! 🔒 You're given 100 keys and 100 locked doors. Good luck! Wander through a maze of rooms and feast your eyes upon crazy sights such as factories, tycoons, obstacle courses, lunar systems, rooms made of ice cream, and...giant bowls of spaghetti?! Solve puzzles, unlock doors, and purchase gears to help you and your friends along your journey! VIP Servers are completely FREE forever! They provide access to extra gamemodes for even more fun, as well as allowing you to save your runs! Many rooms featured within the game have been created by our wonderful community! Want to make a room yourself? Get the template kit here: https://www.roblox.com/library/8706421332/Custom-Room-Builder Developers: @savagetank: Owner, Builder, Room Creator @speedysuperepicman1: Co-Owner, Scripter @ederbugs: Music @Pengy1O: Badge Art
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