Bloxburg's Pearl Hotel

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3 years ago
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Who is excited for V8 opening?? Our date is TBD due to personal reasons. But, it will be soon! Join of dizzy for further updates.
2 years ago


Welcome to The Pearl Hotel Group! 🎉Welcome to Pearl Hotel! Where we provide the perfect Bloxburg getaway for you!! 🔊Ever since opening back in late March of 2021 the Pearl Hotel has continued to grow! Pearl Hotel has become one of the biggest bloxburg hotels online! We provide things like a large pool, spa and fitness center. All while providing niceties like clean beds, restrooms and restaurants! We always pop a smile when we see a happy customer or a happy comment on our social medias, because it shows that we are doing what we were set out to do in the first place! Join the Pearl Hotel community today! 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏻 If interested in joining our team, head to the link in our bio or Dizzy server! 📌By joining our group or any of our social medias, you are agreeing to show kindness and always be respectful! 💻Pearl Hotel was founded on March 18th 2021 ❗ Owned by awhjess  and Co Owned by Kevvin200


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